Christ Church will not sell your email address. We may use it to promote our events or partner events using Constant Contact, Eventbrite, SignUp Pro, a church directory and similar packages. You can be removed from our Constant Contact and Eventbrite emails by using the Unsubscribe link on the emails you receive from them.
We also may collect your email when you pay online using PayPal, Square, Constant Contact or other payment service that the church uses.
The church keeps information in a database as well as in our church directory. The church directory is password-protected, but available online or as a paper copy. The database is used by church administration to record a person's contact information, births, marriages, deaths. Birthdays and other information may be published in our weekly newsletter that is available online.
To be removed from the church directory or not have your name appear in our weekly newsletter or other materials please contact the Parish Administrator.
We also may collect your email when you pay online using PayPal, Square, Constant Contact or other payment service that the church uses.
The church keeps information in a database as well as in our church directory. The church directory is password-protected, but available online or as a paper copy. The database is used by church administration to record a person's contact information, births, marriages, deaths. Birthdays and other information may be published in our weekly newsletter that is available online.
To be removed from the church directory or not have your name appear in our weekly newsletter or other materials please contact the Parish Administrator.